Batteries – Charging ahead

In these days of walk-and-talk and walk-and-work, battery chargers are as much a necessity to business as a microwave oven is to the kitchen. Cell phones, laptops, notebooks, and camcorders, just to mention a few.

But how do they work? Here are some types of battery chargers explained:

Solar battery chargers: These little gems use the suns energy to recharge batteries. From car, boat and motorbikes to cell phones, DVD players and computers, there is a solar battery charger to suit.

Automotive battery chargers: Most automotive battery chargers simply attach to the vehicles battery terminals and plug in to mains power. However, there are now new products on the market that work to prevent the battery from going flat in the first place. To comprehend how the process works it is important to understand what causes a battery to deteriorate.

Car batteries rely on a chemical process to provide power. The car battery contains lead plates in a solution of sulphuric acid, which act together to make and store electricity. Over time a residue of lead sulphate builds up on the plates, reducing the flow of electricity. De-sulphating technology reverses this process by using sound waves to dissolve the residue build-up.

Of course this wont help if youve left your lights on at the train station

Industrial Battery Chargers: These are the big guys. With names such as ferroresonant, Opportunity Charging and Silicon Controlled Rectifier charger, these are heavy-duty long haul pieces of technology. Whether cold storage units, factory or fleet applications, there is an industrial battery charger to suit. Basically though, it is important that the industrial battery charger contains a voltage regulator of some description. This will ensure that the battery is not damaged while it is being recharged.

Cell Phone Battery Chargers: It is very important to choose a cell phone battery charger that is designed for the model and type of battery being charged. Likewise, it is prudent to make sure that the battery is, itself, the correct one for the phone.

Choosing the correct battery charger will ensure that the connection points will be compatible and the correct amount of electricity is delivered. If too little electricity is delivered, the battery will not fully charge; if too much, it may overheat. Many cell phone battery chargers today do have a built in system to prevent overcharging, however, it is still important to ensure the charger and battery are compatible.

And to make sure that business, or life in general, isnt inconvenienced too much due to battery recharging, many cell phone battery chargers now allow the user to make phone calls during the recharging process.

So, the next time youre out and about walking the talk, spare a thought for the hard-working companion who makes sure your equipment is up to the job. And, the most important thing of all never mistake that cup of coffee 소액결제현금화 on your desk for your cell phone battery charger carriage.

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